Saturday, August 31, 2019

Compare and contrast identified similarities Essay

1)Compare and contrast identified similarities as well as differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups. As a child moves from being a toddler through preschool to school-aged, they are faced with many challenges to overcome. Development growth, which is subject to the child’s environment and sphere of influential people and pressures in their lives, is directly shaped and guided by their family’s culture, religion and value/belief system. The differences are seen in how each developmental phase interacts and responds within each health assessment pattern. The toddler and preschool child need more structure and routine, whether it’s brushing their teeth, eating or bedtime rituals. School-aged children take the values and learned behaviors of being a toddler and build upon them as they move toward building their own self-concept and sense of identity. There are similarities as the children strive for autonomy and the ability to express themselves verbally. As the child continues to learn, they will develop an understanding of good behaviors and bad behaviors. Summarize how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults. Consider spirituality and cultural differences in your answer. When the nurse is caring for a child, the nurse must remember that they are essentially caring for two patients, the child and the parent (Jarvis, 2012). For a nurse, the assessment, examination and interaction with a child patient offer its own set of challenges and require a different approach from that of an adult. When dealing the toddler and preschooler, the nurse should interact with the caregiver, giving the child the opportunity to see the nurse’s interaction with their caregiver. This allows the child to see that the caregiver has accepted and trusts the nurse. For the toddler and the preschooler, the parent will be providing most, if not all of the health history. With the pre-school-aged population, they may be the sole source of important data to the history (Jarvis, 2012). The nurse should interview the child and caregiver together, and they should be present at all exams. With children of each stage of development, the nurse must be cognizant of verbal and non-verbal cues provided by the child. The nurse should be mindful that there could be cultural and/or spiritual considerations to take into account, like when undressing a child of the opposite sex. The nurse needs to ensure that the caregiver and the child feel comfortable with and during the interview, assessment, examination and educational/patient teaching phases of the visit. Strategies that the nurse might incorporate include awareness of the various developmental stages that children go through. When performing a physical assessment of a child the nurse should be at eye level. When talking to the child and explaining concepts the nurse should use simple language that they child can understand. The nurse should allow the child to hold instruments, like a stethoscope, during the physical exam to help them feel like they are involved in their own care. Sharing reading materials or media to look at can help divert their attention away from the nurse.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Roman Catholic Saints

Well there are over 2,500 according to Roman Catholicism sources, but no definitive count. This is because many were put into saint hood a long time ago by popular demand of the people. How the Church chooses saints Canonization, the process the Church uses to name a saint, has only been used since the tenth century. For hundreds of years, saints were chosen by public acclaim. Though this was a more democratic way to recognize saints, some saints' stories were distorted by legend and some never existed. Gradually, the bishops and finally the Vatican took over authority for approving saints. In 1983, Pope John Paul II made sweeping changes in the canonization procedure. The process begins after the death of a Catholic whom people regard as holy. Often, the process starts many years after death in order give perspective on the candidate. The local bishop investigates the candidate's life and writings for heroic virtue. Then a panel of theologians at the Vatican evaluates the candidate. After approval by the panel and cardinals of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the pope proclaims the candidate â€Å"venerable. The next step, beatification, requires evidence of one miracle (except in the case of martyrs). Since miracles are considered proof that the person is in heaven and can intercede for us, the miracle must take place after the candidate's death and as a result of a specific petition to the candidate. When the pope proclaims the candidate beatified or â€Å"blessed,† the person can be venerated by a particular region or group of people with whom the person holds special importance. Only after one more miracle will the pope canonize the saint (this includes martyrs as well). The title of saint tells us that the person lived a holy life, is in heaven, and is to be honored by the universal Church. Canonization does not â€Å"make† a person a saint; it recognizes what God has already done. When the church began honoring saints By the year 100 A. D. , Christians were honoring other Christians who had died, and asking for their intercession. Many people think that honoring saints was something the Church set up later, but it was part of Christianity from the very beginning. As a matter of fact, this practice came from a long-standing tradition in the Jewish faith of honoring prophets and holy people with shrines. The first saints were martyrs, people who had given up their lives for the Faith in the persecution of Christians. Keeping statues or pictures is not idolatry Look at the pictures of your loved ones in your wallet or around your home or office. Why do you keep these particular pictures? You might answer that you carry those pictures to remind you of people you love, to help you feel that they're close to you when you're not together, or to share with people you meet. But you probably didn't say you worshipped them. Those are some of the same reasons we have statues and pictures of saints. Seeing a statue of Saint Therese of Lisieux who lost her mother when she was a child might make us feel less alone when we are grieving. A picture of Saint Francis of Assisi might remind us of how much he loved God's creation and make us more aware of our environment. We pray with saints We pray with saints, not to them. Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you when you were having a hard time? Why did you choose to ask that person? You may have chosen someone you could trust, or someone who understood your problem, or someone who was close to God. Those are all reasons we ask saints to pray for us in times of trouble. Since saints led holy lives and are close to God in heaven, we feel that their prayers are particularly effective. Often we ask particular saints to pray for us if we feel they have a particular interest in our problem. For example, many people ask Saint Monica to pray for them if they have trouble with unanswered prayers, because Monica prayed for twenty years for her son to be converted. Finally her prayers were answered in a way she never dreamed of — her son, Augustine, became a canonized saint and a Doctor of the Church. Bread and Wine Symbol Bread and Wine/Wheat and Grapes: Because of the bread and wine they produce, the symbols of wheat and grapes are often used to designate the Eucharist. Bread is the basic food of every culture and of every age in human history. Made from the toil of human hands, the many grains of wheat are transformed and become one to nourish and sustain us. A meal, in which bread is broken and shared, becomes a means of bonding human beings together. This is the sign Jesus used to describe Himself as the â€Å"Bread of Life. Following His command, in faith we take and eat this Bread, His Body, and become one with Him. From ancient times wine is associated with banquets, joy and celebration, a gift of God to gladden our hearts. The grapes, like the grains of wheat used for bread, are fruits of the earth and give of themselves in order that we might celebrate and be glad. This sign which Jesus used for His Blood, speaks to us of giving and of sacrifice in order that we might enjoy the benefits of His love in the banquet which is the foretaste of heavenly joy

Thursday, August 29, 2019

English Distincive Voice Essay

Distinctive voices are used create meaning and change which explores aspects of human experiences. The texts examined are Severn Cullis Suzuki, 9th Earl Spencers Eulogy for Princess Diana and Pink, Dear Mr President. The voices in these text include and environmental activist, voice of the innocent, grieving brother, everyman, lobbyist and remonstrator. All these voices have the ability to change societies view on an issue. The composers of these texts have had human experiences of grief, concern of the environment and concern for social equality. The distinctive voice of an environmental activist, innocence and remonstrator is expressed in Severn Cullis Suzuki Earth Summit. These voices portray the human experiences of having a concern of the environment, being part of a lobby group and seeing the destruction of the earth and wanted an end to poverty. Introduction and purpose, ‘I’m Servern Cullis speaking for ECO- The Environmental Children’s Organisation’ shows the distinctive voice of an activist exploring Suzuki’s human experience as the founder of ECO. Comparison, ‘In Canada, we live the privileged life†¦ Two days ago here in Brazil, we were shocked when we spent time with kids living on the streets’, clearly shows the difference between countries and seeing this, Suzuki has developed the voice of innocence exploring the human experience of Suzuki wanting a world without poverty. The voice of a remonstrator is developed, through the pleading tone, ‘If you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it! ’. Severn Cullis blames the adults for this destruction of the earth that she has experienced. She wants the adults to change their ways. This remonstrating voice explores the human experience of being a part of a lobby. Exclusive language gives the adults a goal through the use of the cliche, ‘I challenge you please make your actions reflect your words’, which demands the adults to change their ways portraying the remonstrator. The voices throughout this text effectively represent the human experiences, demanding the audience to change their actions towards the environment for which Suzuki has seen the destruction of. Similarly, the voice of the remonstrator is evident in 9th Earl Spencer, Eulogy for Princess Diana. Both texts have the voice of a remonstrator as they plea to an issue both composers have experienced. The voice of a grieving brother, everyman and remonstrator explores aspects of human experiences for 9th Earl Spencer. These voices explore the human experience of grief. The voice of a grieving brother is portrayed through the use of emotive language, ‘I stand before you today, the representative of a family in grief’, showing the human experience of Earl Spencer as the young brother of Princess Diana. Earl Spencer, acknowledges the great life of Princess Diana which creates a sense of sadness for the audience as they listen in silence, through the allusion, metaphor and allusion, ‘ Today is our chance to say ‘thank you’ for the way your brightened our lives, even though God granted you but a half a life’. The voice of an everyman speaks for the entire world. Inclusive language and metaphor, ‘We are all chewed up with sadness at loss of a woman who wasn’t even our mother’, shows the importance of Princess Diana, that the whole world is deeply saddened by her death. This explores the aspect of a human experience, of the entire world that are in grief and shock after Diana’s death. The voice of a remonstrator explores the human experience of Princess Diana being chased by the media. Earl Spencer speaks of the media as being the cause if her death. ‘She never understood why her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media’, creates the voice of the remonstrator which explores Earls experience of Diana and how she felt towards the media. The voice of the remonstrator is also conveyed in Severn Cullis Suzuki’s speech which demand a change and creates emotion. The voice of citizen, the voice of society and remonstrator explore aspects of human experiences in Dear President. These voices which are present in the song represent human experience of seeing the president not doing his job and the rights of people being taken away. ‘Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away’, creates imagery of the bombs and house expressing the voice of a citizen that effectively explores the human experience of a concerned citizen as Pink see’s the struggle that American citizens endured in their life. The American citizen voice effectively represents the human experiences, as the responder is able to emphasize on societies hardships that Pink has seen. ‘What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street? ’, creates the voice of society through rhetorical question and imagery, portraying the negative human experience of Pink, as she has seen many citizens living on the streets. Pink questions the president which emotively appeals to the audience as they reflect on the President’s job. Formal register, ‘Come take a walk with me’ is an invitation for the president to listen to Pink’s opinions creating the oice of a remonstrator. ‘Let’s pretend were just two people and you’re not better than me’, shows the human experience of Pink and how she feels inequality as the President sees himself as better than society. Pink pleads her opinions to the President through rhetorical questions creating a remonstrating voice. This voice asks the audience to consider the President and what he has done. Dear Mr President, Severn Cullis Suzuki Earth Summit and 9th Earl Spencer Eulogy for Princess Diana have the voice of a remonstrator, which appeals to the audience emotively as it changes their view on an issue. These texts reveal the human experiences of grief, concern of the environment and concern for society through the voices of an environmental activist, the innocent, grieving brother, everyman, citizen, society and remonstrator. The composers have effectively used language to create distinctive voices including emotive language which explores human experiences of the composer and creates meaning for the responder. Distinctive voices are important in representing human experiences as the voice has the ability to demand change and a view on an issue.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Favourite piece of classical music(critical review) Essay

Favourite piece of classical music(critical review) - Essay Example Tensions seem melodic that they render my appreciation grow with intense curiosity from one level on to the next as if a wide-eyed scene shut into suspense. It is as if a particular story were being weaved movement upon movement like an act in a play, while the tempo brings indications where tragedy must come in, the point to remain as such or otherwise jolt-free as though there were magical winds. With its unique style, the sound of antiquity becomes special that I suddenly feel the ease to span out of my modern musical inclination and reconcile with it each aspect of distortion and fluidity therein. As a consequence of a well-arranged composition, it seems there is automatic connection somewhere with the perfectly climatic lute instrumentation. I could sense that others watching with me at the time are being made repeatedly optimistic in the process, not initially expecting to have tuned the symphonies in as eventful as it is wonderfully tragic along the transformation of tamed notes to voracious ones, worthy of encore. In the process, it is particularly captivating to have experienced the detailed rhythmic approach of the Passamezzo della Battaglia  which splendidly attempts to be classic in every way effecting a pitch very much congruous with good-humored facial expressions of the musicians. Having studied European history, I could imagine how lute dynamics had been deemed necessary in the type of secular culture between the medieval and renaissance periods. It is such a momentous performance for the celebrated lute players assuredly filled with inspiration that in my entrancement brings across invisible waves of tunes in fluid rush marked by certain jest. I come snapping back to reality every time as if from subconsciously stepping onto a whole new dimension where imaginings just soar and spirits are lifted to cosmic heights. It is I suppose all about each musician’s craft with his lute that defines and sets his style apart from a traditional

Romantic Relationships Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Romantic Relationships - Research Paper Example Researchers have identified mainly three kinds of romantic relationships. According to Sternberg (as cited in Santrock, 389), passion, intimacy, and commitment are the different traits found in romantic relationships. To illustrate, partners with passion is driven by physical and sexual attraction; whereas, intimacy indicates emotional feelings and attachment. Finally, commitment is rather ‘cognitive appraisal of relationship’ that makes the relation strong despite all difficulties (Santrock, 389). Therefore, depending on the intensity of these three factors, the collapse of a relationship can be either tragic or mild in effect. To begin with, a relationship will be effective or not effective depending on how the individuals involved think and act. If they maintain entirely different perspectives and romantic mood, the relationship will definitely fail regardless of their gender. The fundamental reasons for the same sex drive are still a subject for research. The way in which people carry on with their sexual relationship is markedly different in different cultures and communities. Even though the basic necessities are the same, the difference in lifestyle can be attributed to the choices.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Introduction to Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Introduction to Nursing research - Essay Example The purpose of this study as explained by the authors was to assess whether self-monitoring of blood glucose was effective in treating the glycemic control of the patient and in helping them deal with the psychological effects of being newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. There were no specific research questions in this study but one could assume that the research questions were: Will patients who are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes show improvement in glycemic control because of their self-management? Also, will immediate feedback insure compliance with medication requirements and determine patient attitude toward their disease? These questions can be inferred by the two-fold purpose of the study(O’Kane et al., 2008). The basic concept is that the researchers wanted to understand how self-monitoring effected the attitudes and the self-monitoring of newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes. The phenomena studied was type 2 diabetes in adult males, aged 70 or older (O’Kane et al., 2008). This was a quantitative study that used a â€Å"a randomised controlled trial† (O’Kane et al., 2008, para. 11) that used two groups. One group was asked to self-monitor their glucose concentrations regularly, ( the intervention group) and the second group was asked not to monitor their glucose concentrations (the control group). The patients were newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and they were recruited from several diabetes services in several cities in Ireland. The age of the patients was 70 and above, and the study was done between 2002 and 2005. Some doctors referred specific participants. The exclusion criteria for the participants was patients that were in secondary stages of diabetes, those who used insulin or who were already self-monitoring, those who had major diseases within the last six months, those with chronic kidney or liver disease, and those who were abusing alcohol (O’Kane

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management of medical equipment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Management of medical equipment - Essay Example The acquisition subcycle is further subdivided into the following phases: technology assessment, technology planning, acquisition, acceptance, and finally replacement and disposal (Chan, 2003). Technology assessment includes the assessment of the technology or in this case the equipment, mostly in relation to its safety and performance, as well as its projected effect in terms of patient outcomes and its impact on the economic and ethical elements of healthcare (Vallejo-Torres,, 2008). Medical technology and equipment are evaluated in general terms and in relation to other technologies, procedures and interventions. The goal of medical technology assessment is to ensure objective as well as quality data which can be used by stakeholders in their decision-making (Vallejo-Torres,, 2008). The general application of the technology assessment is on the assessment of technologies and equipment after they are introduced in the marketplace. Other experts and researchers however are also quick to point out that new technologies must be assessed before they are incorporated into the clinical practice (Pietzsch and Pate-Cornell, 2008). By evaluating the technology and equipment in the soonest possible time, it is possible to improve health outcomes, reduce wrong investments, and prevent possible ethical issues arising from these technologies (Pietzsch and Pate-Cornell, 2008). Technology planning is the next phase in the acquisition subcycle (Dyro, 2004). This planning phase includes an interdisciplinary planning process alongside years of experience in hospital management and construction, ensuring the establishment of functional procedures within the clinical practice (Hospital Technology, 2012). Planning medical technology...Medical technology and equipment are evaluated in general terms and in relation to other technologies, procedures and interventions. Planning medical technology also includes the acquisition of large-scale medical equipment including M RI, CT, PET-CT, and angiographies among others (Hospital Technology, 2012). The acquisition of the technology includes the actual purchase of the equipment itself. The last phase of the acquisition process is the replacement and disposal of the medical equipment. Unreliable equipment is also usually replaced. Where medical equipment is deemed unserviceable, it is also the responsibility of equipment services managers to indicate to the concerned department managers about the need for equipment replacement. Utilisation subcycle The other phase in the medical equipment lifecycle is the utilisation subcycle. Quality assurance is carried out in order to identify defective medical equipment (David, 2003). Utilisation subcycle and clinical governance Where the users of the equipment are properly trained, the risk to the patient and the medical staff is reduced. The training in equipment use would also include how the users can maintain the equipment, and this process usually includes the daily cleaning and maintenance of the equipment (Pardeshi, 2005). Quality assurance processes often involves routine maintenance and routine equipment check by the technicians as well as independent quality assurance agencies (WHO, 2013). Medical equipment management is an important aspect of the efficient delivery of healthcare services.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sasol Company Market Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sasol Company Market Analysis - Term Paper Example The strong South African economy provides growing, profitable home market for Sasol. In the stock market, Sasol offers a solid dividend and the stock currently yields a hefty 4.59%. Though recent markets are not satisfying the investors, Sasol is relatively volatile. Though there is fall of oil prices, Sasol probably offers much to its investors. Government regulations and policies also affect Sasol’s marketing. The currency devaluation of Rand has a strong impact on the strategies of Sasol. â€Å"Customers receive a further R1.25 preferential procurement recognition for each R1 they spend with the Sasol Group of Companies.† (â€Å"BEE certificate†). In addition, the political interruptions in pricing decisions, due to the elections, drive the market of oil industry. The increase of taxes and lowering of synfuel subsidies by the government probably affect the product marketing which in turn affects the revenue of the company. Thus, Sasol has to take necessary mea sures to sustain among these regulations of the policies. Black empowerment companies enjoy better benefits as the government insists on 25% indigenous participation to its value chain. (â€Å"BEE certificate†). Sasol, being a BEE verified enterprise, commits to promote and enhance African empowerment. The environmental issues are yet another phenomenon that affects the company’s marketing, particularly from the perspective of social responsibility. Some of the major environmental issues that affect Sasol are pollution.... In addition, the political interruptions in pricing decisions, due to the elections, drive the market of oil industry. The increase of taxes and lowering of synfuel subsidies by the government probably affect the product marketing which in turn affects the revenue of the company. Thus, Sasol has to take necessary measures to sustain among these regulations of the government policies. Black empowerment companies enjoy better benefits as the government insists on 25% indigenous participation to its value chain. (â€Å"BEE certificate†). Sasol, being a BEE verified enterprise, commits to promote and enhance African empowerment. The environmental issues are yet another phenomenon that affects the company’s marketing, particularly from the perspective of social responsibility. Some of the major environmental issues that affect Sasol are pollution created by refineries, introduction of eco-friendly fuels, oil spills, GHG emissions and more. Though Sasol has taken alternative measures for producing fuels, these methods also tend to emit a considerable amount of GHG and lead to pollution of the environment. PEST Analysis: Political: Regulations from the government regarding taxes Political instability Lowering synfuel subsidies Economic: Currency volatility in South Africa Persistent inflation in input cost Price fluctuations of the global market Strong African economy Social: Strikes in African mines Limited access of labor in the local environment Providing employment opportunities on racial lines Technical: Expanding its Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) and Coal-To-Liquid (CTL) technologies for producing fuel Growing chemical portfolio and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What are Swifts aims in A Modest Proposal and how does he achieve them Essay

What are Swifts aims in A Modest Proposal and how does he achieve them What are Joyces aims in Araby how does she achieve them - Essay Example Many people were fed up with the government in place as it did nothing to alleviate the life of the common person in the country. The rich were always getting richer while the poor became poorer (Swift 23). Swift aims to target Ireland’s politicians, the falsehood of the English plus the degradation which she saw on the Irish People. Swift was fed up with the many empty promises posted by their leaders in power to help those needy in society, something that never materialized (Swift 24). In his book, Swift uses satire in representing her grievances in regard to the matter. She provides her own solution that can be equated to mockery too. Her solution was to end poverty by reducing the population of the poor. This can be done through eating of poor children under the age of 1 year by the rich. Her solution was absurd adding to the mockery on the many solutions that never materialized (Swift 27). Swift manages to address issues like poverty, famine, overpopulation and homelessne ss in this paper. In contrast, Joyce’s Araby aims at portraying Dublin life at its realistic point through a young boy that lived in it (Norris 45). Describing every sense and environment in which the boy lived, the author managed to bring out the parallels of life between the rich and poor in the society. The poor had to succumb through poor living condition and struggled to make ends. In addition, Joyce adds a theme of discovering of love through the innocent young boy (Norris 46). The young boy had a crush on Manga’s sisters and did what he can to please her, something which in the end did not go as he had planned due to lack of money. A situation which most people expect to turn into happiness, ended up in a sad note when the boy missed to see the show and get to please a girl. Joyce aimed at portraying the implication of poverty of social, economic and spiritual well-being of people

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethics Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Reflection - Essay Example Examples of stakeholders include Customers, suppliers and any person who is directly involved in the business activities. A responsible organization treats all stakeholders equally. Additionally, this helps the team identify and monitor any risk that have a potential of arising as well as find an alternative solution and everybody needs an opportunity to speak and give their idea. Moreover, members should be open when providing ideas and feedback as well as raise concerns and come up with new ideas. This should be conducted professionally where everybody is independent in providing views and ideas thus providing quality discussions that aid in the decision making process listening to their ideas keenly. Moreover, a friendly environment improves the relationship among members in an organization thus strengthening the process of strategic planning and resulting in better decision making. The team members should take a fair and truthful possible risk during the planning process. This le ads to the maintenance of the welfare of stakeholders that include the employees as well as the society (Ransome, 2009). The ethical perspective throughout the program links to the success of an individual or a company. An individual’s view of ethics keeps on developing depending on the knowledge and information one receives throughout their life experiences. This is the reason why individuals use their experiences to make decisions about what is right or wrong depending on the kind of situation they are facing. The evolvement of ethics comes from personal values that form a critical element of a person’s strategy influencing how they relate with others and how they behave in the society. In addition, ethics perspective has evolved from taking pride in what one does and how they do it. This makes them behave responsibly in judging and decision making by showing the highest

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Middle East Women Studying Abroad presents a potential Solution to Racism Essay Example for Free

Middle East Women Studying Abroad presents a potential Solution to Racism Essay Middle East Women Studying Abroad presents a potential Solution to RacismIntroductionMiddle East is one of the regions that are known to steer racism, gender inequality, and religious prejudice with low concerted efforts to minimize the occurrences. This has been a problem to both the domestic populations and foreign populations living in the region. The racism exists in both lower social and higher social class and across different races. Citizens and political leaders play a major part in propagating racial prejudice across different races and particularly on women (Shalhoub-Kevorkian, 2004). Leaders use their selfish motives to gain power and in the end steer prejudice within societies (Price, 2003).   Citizens have always trusted their leader and tend to follow their ill promises ending up in hatred and sometimes mistreatment and brutality to other races. Traditional methods by leaders to solve conflict in Middle East have led to inconclusive outcome and attitudes colored by strong emotions on populations (Saaty, Zoffer, 2012). Arabs and Islamic quest for a conspiracy theory, explain the lack of development and rise of dictatorial regimes in the Middle East. This is evidence by the lack of western hallmarks for society development thus faulting Arabs themselves. This is a representation of intellectual and cultural affliction independent of any external forces (Ismael, Measor, 2003). Middle East education system, religious platforms and leaders have shown no interest in ending the problem. The large group of victims of racial prejudice is females and children who experiences discriminations and denial to other basic human rights (Ruby, 2013). They are much hurt in cases of violence and are subjected to inhumane acts such as rape and murder. This shows there is need to find a solution to the problem and empower women through advocating their rights. The major contributor of racism has been linked by the high levels of illiteracy in the country (Golding, 2009). This hinders populations from knowing their rights and hence hard for them to fight and demand their rights through successive and peaceful negotiation forum with leaders and other stakeholders. People knowing their rights through education and other enlightening plat forms would achieve a solution to racism. Few women who have benefited from getting education abroad have been so vocal about bringing solution to racism in Middle East but their numbers and unsupportive illiterate women let them down. Illiteracy is one of the major sustenance of racism in Middle East (Golding, 2009). Thus, the problem ends propagating itself to worse levels. If such women could increase in number in the region, a solution to the eating racism problem would be found. This study will be very important to leader and especial women in leadership and those studying abroad. Through the study, they will realize their role in curbing prejudice through informed knowledge on human rights (Gordon, 2012). The government and leader will be important audience so that they can advocate for foreign education and put policies in place that would encourage women to study abroad. Education significance                      The solution of racism has always been linked to men and political leader in Middle East. However, they have continuously failed in addressing the matter comprehensively and bringing a long lasting solution. Few enlightened women who by luck had a chance to go and study abroad seem to understand their rights and the need of a lasting solution in Middle East. Studying abroad equip women with necessary human rights knowledge necessary to address the Middle East problem (Gordon, 2012). The research that have been done tend to address solution based on traditional methods such as diplomacy and face-to-face and leaders intervention (Saaty, Zoffer, 2012). The resolution forums never advocates for the rights of citizens but only advocated for need of reconciliation and unity. This research will be a revelation to leaders, women and government in bringing a solution to Middle East racism. Western countries seem also to have firm human rights activist who w omen studying abroad can emulate. This will help them understand their human rights will then they can transfer to the wide population (Steinberg, 2012; Ruby, 2013). A higher number of men have studied abroad from Middle East but they have done very little on the issue. Thus, this study will be very significant to all its audience in empowering women to study abroad thus awareness of human rights and solution to Middle East bringing a new dawn to the populations. Literature Review                      Racism is one of the major problems in Middle East that causes conflicts and brutality within populations. Middle East has Arabs and Muslim religious and ethnic group. In this region, non-Arabs and non-Muslims people are faced with rejection and disapproval (Fluehr-Lobban, 2005). The region also has more 20 diverse ethnic groups. The discussion on the religious and ethnic groups in the area is a taboo in the society. The components that may help to discuss potential solution to racism by women include: According to Saaty, and Zoffer, (2012) dispute resolution in middle East has been on the routine cause where leaders (males), use traditional approaches such as face to face to engager to conflicting party. These means have not been fruitful at all and so, leadership should adopt more practical dispute resolutions approaches in Middle East, which focus on the rights of the people in their social, humanitarian, economic, geographic, and historical worth. This way will help minimize conflicts and racism. Skilled people who are aware of their rights would tend to concentrate on nation building rather than their differences. Medovoi, (2012) argues that religion has been of the group that has exemplified on racism dynamics. The author regards religion as one of the group that has supplemented the racial dynamics. From the perspective that most religions groups are headed my men, it is an obvious conclusion that men and other readers have failed to use their potential leadership and influential position to bring solution to the problem of racism in Middle East. This calls for a change in the ways of thinking and culture of Middle East to trust male dominated leadership in Middle East. Steinberg, (2012) view the cause of racism and other violence against human rights to originate from political selfish welfare. He refers the persistence conflicts between Arabs and Israel as a form of political involvement. The leadership rather than solving the problem on their citizens and populations have continued to instigate hatred among the citizens. It is worth noting that male characters dominate the leadership here. Therefore, the failure to resolve conflicts and racism issues heavily fall on them. Semati, (2010) argues that Islamic domination in the region is one of the key factors that have led to slow resolution of the problems differential racism in Middle East. He argues that Islamophobia is an ideological response, which conflates politics, societies, histories and cultures of the Middle East to a negative and unified attitude on Islam. This has led to incompatibility with other races thus propagating the racial prejudice. This can also be attributed to the failure of male leadership in Islamic religion. References Baker, J. (2013). Just Kids? Peer Racism in a Predominantly White City. Refuge, 29(1), 75-85. Chronology. (2011). Middle East Journal, 65(1), 103-131. Fluehr-Lobban, C. (2006). Why Muslims Rebel: Repression and Resistance in the Islamic World. Arab Studies Quarterly, 28(2), 72-74. Golding, A. S. (2009).  Multiculturism, America, and the Middle East. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse. Hasso, F. S. (2005). Problems and Promise in Middle East and North Africa Gender Research. Feminist Studies, 31(3), 653-678. Ismael, T. Y., Measor, J. (2003). Racism and the North American Media Following 11 September: The Canadian Setting. Arab Studies Quarterly, 25(1/2), 101-136. Medovoi, L. (2012). Dogma-Line Racism. Social Text, 30(2_111), 43-74. Price, R. (2003).  Fast facts on the Middle East conflict. Eugene: Harvest House Pub Rodenborg, N. A. (2013). Aversive Racism and Intergroup Contact Theories: Cultural Competence in a Segregated World. Journal of Social Work Education, 49(4), 564-579. Semati, M. (2010). Islamophobia, Culture and Race in the Age of Empire. Cultural Studies, 24(2), 256-275. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N. (2004). Racism, Militarisation and Policing: Police Reactions to Violence against Palestinian Women in Israel. Social Identities, 10(2), 171-193. Treacher, A. (2007). Circulating Emotions, Beliefs and Fantasies: The Middle East and the West. Psychodynamic Practice, 13(4), 345-360. Gordon, J. (2012). Human Right Education?. Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics, 41(4), 754-767. Ruby, T. (2013). The Question 0f Muslim Womens Rights And The Ontario Shariah Tribunals. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 34(2), 134-154. Steinberg, G. M. (2012). From Durban to the Goldstone Report: The Centrality Of Human Rights Ngos In The Political Dimension Of The Arab–Israeli Conflict. Israel Affairs, 18(3), 372-388 Steinberg, G. M. (2012). 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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Galapagos Island Case Essay Example for Free

Galapagos Island Case Essay Introduction Geographical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The geographical mapping of Galapagos Island is able to support both aquatic life and terrestrial life due to its adverse favorable climatic conditions. This is because this island lies in the Pacific Ocean about 999   Ã‚  km from the South American coast and straddling the Equator. Due to this smart geographical condition, there is abundant biodiversity of both flora and fauna. Galapagos Island is one of 13 islands that is currently inhabited, with a total population of 30,000 people. According to the latest survey, the Galapagos Marine Reserve occupies roughly 139,000 square kilometers. This large natural habitat can support huge mass of living creatures if protection measures are put in place to safe the endangered species. The island was recognized as world heritage site due to abundant living things that are not easily found elsewhere, but only exist in this prestigious island. Galapagos Island   Biodiversity     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This island is blessed with abundant biodiversity, which enables it to have its natural heritage. Galapagos has specific niche to many unique, endemic animals. Naturally, some of these animals are fearless due to lack of natural enemies. This is a usual case for some of marine life. The only enemy is man due to his agribusiness activities and his new technologies concerning marine science, fishing and tourism. For example, the giant tortoise has gradually evolved into several distinct forms on the different islands of the archipelago. The reason being, these tortoise have no natural predators except man during the 17th and 18th centuries when buccaneers and pirates used the islands as a staging post. This is the only time when these tortoises were being used as delicacies. The Galapagos Island has several species of reptiles. They include, the marine iguana, which is a herbivore that grazes on seaweed, land iguanas, lizards, geckos, lava and snakes. Some of the native terrestrial mammals include rats that prefer grassy areas or wheat and rice plantation and two species of bat. Other common creatures are finches. There are several species of finches. Some are small brownish, soil like finches that are adapted to a range of different foods. These are known as Darwin’s finches. The name was coined after the father of evolution sir Charles Darwin because they have been important to scientists trying to study how evolution occurs this is because of different beak types. They include the tool-using woodpecker finch. Other endemic terrestrial birds include hawk, flycatcher, rail and other species of mocking birds. All these birds have specific characters that feature in them and are the only birds found in Galapagos.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Among the endemic aquatic birds are a flightless cormorant, two species of gull, and one penguin species that live in tropical waters. Going on, Sea lions and fur seals occur along the coasts, while dolphins, whales and sea turtles are also common. Other species of fish are found along the seashores. Several species of insects, cryoptera, spiders, mites, slugs, land snails, seashells, starfishes and urchins, crabs, and many other smaller invertebrates occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beside different kinds of animals, the island supports different types of fauna. The plants of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Galapagos are equally fascinating and attractive. In the highlands, there occur many species of endemic Scalesia tree that is characterized by having daisies, as well as tree ferns, bromeliads and orchids. Along the coasts are mangrove forest and huge prickly pear and candelabra cacti. The Brachycereus cacti are adapted to less fertile lava flows. The lava flow is a remnant of volcanic activities that erupted in the past . Note that Galapagos Island is a product of those volcanic activities. The shores can support many vivid morning glories and mats of bright red sesuvium. Galapagos also has its very own, endemic species of cotton, tomato, pepper, guava and passionflower that are not exotic. Kinds of plants, especially those belonging to the daisy phylum, have gradually evolved on the different niche in this island into whole arrays of endemic species. This again provides bio-conservationist with classic examples of adaptive speciation. Biodiversity threats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Currently, the Galapagos Islands are among the best nation parks with tropical archipelago in the world. Despite being rich in its pristine nature, it faces challenges and extinction threats to the only unique type of biodiversity in the island. Actually foreign species sneaked in by naughty ship workers, pirates and other evil-minded foreigners are some of human intrusions that adversely pose a major threat to native terrestrial biodiversity. Another factor is spilling of oils in the seawater and during mosquitos’ control. Several myriad of invasive plants and animals vectored in by man’s day to days operations, inhabit the island adding more competition in the food chain. . Some of these foreign plants include food crops like quinine, guava and blackberry. In the operation process, harmful weeds and parasitic plants are introduced in new territories of this Island.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Animals in this category of invasive species include both domesticated and wild, for example, goats, Netherlands pigs, Asian dogs, cats, rats and fire ants. Some of introduced species in Galapagos Island include rodents like the black rat, Norwegian rat and house hold mouse. These rodents are disastrous as they feed on the native wildlife of the islands, including plants, seeds, bird’s eggs and chicks, reptile’s eggs and young ones. This way the rodents threaten the fragile ecosystem of the islands and are responsible for extinctions on islands biodiversity worldwide. The rodents also pose a great risk to human health by spreading zoonotic infections.[1]   Beside that, rodents are agricultural and household pests. They are vectors to fleas, worms and other protozoan. It is known that some nematodes that affect rats can invade other small animals and plants through evolution. [2]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some species, such as the mangrove habitat birds like finch species such as C. heliobates, the Galapagos petrel and the flightless cormorant are endangered somehow due to reduced populations caused by fluctuating reproductive system. Much tourism during breeding seasons increases animal stress and disturbance. This interferes with reproductive systems. Other endemic birds in the island are the tree finches such as Certhidea olivacea and Camarhynchus psittacula.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Galapagos birds are already under threat from invasive rodents. The interference from both natural effects and human activities is a threat to Galapagos penguin and other aquatic bird species From a case study, it was observed that, 22 to 23.5 percent of the endemic plant species and 48.9 to 51 percent of the vertebrate species are considered endangered. Some of these problems have existed for more than a century due to negligence and ignorance by the government and other environmentalists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Global warming which is a feature of human adverse pollution to the environment has endangered marine life. Snow and ice melting is a threat to some of marine creatures. Another threat to the biodiversity is that, Galapagos is undergoing an enormous cycle of economic and population growth that is accelerated by external markets and competition. External pressures are accompanied by increased threats to native biodiversity that drag be hide conservation efforts. Some of these threats as stated are the arrival of invasive species, over-harvesting of marine resources, for example, almost more than 90 million sharks are killed a year, mainly for their fins. They are fetched from the sea purposely for their fins and not the flesh. This barbaric altitude can wipe sharks in the near future if pouching will not stop. When sharks become wiped, tourism industry would be greatly affected making the economy of Galapagos to dwindle. Lastly, more frequent pollution events like agribusiness activities interfere with biota.   Agricultural farming involves use of several chemicals that interfere with the marine life. This mostly occurs when these chemicals find their way into the sea either by drainage or through silting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indirectly, enormous demand growths on the biodiversity of the islands are due to the international tourism industry and aquatic or marine resources. These are some of global factors driving business growth in Galapagos. This huge developments act as catalysts for the growth of the Galapagos human population. This has consequently, resulted to the needs for greater local access to basic natural resources and public services to catch up with the increasing human population and competition; this creates new social and political stresses in the islands. Poor distribution of resources and income from the protected areas discourages self-motive for conservation. Internal conflicts due to external market impact do not address conservation of biodiversity. Lack of awareness on importance of conservation biology in the Island, and non-instrumental professionals lead to failures to re-address the issue of endangering the species.   Conservation   methods and the needs to protecting the biodiversity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After describing most of endangered species in this island, it is good to focus on and advocate scientific Conservation methods of both flora and fauna. Preservation of the endangered species and the environment is a complex process that requires strong machinery force. Therefore, without government and non-government back-up, this project cannot succeed. Proper programs need to be set up to outsource services and other strategic means, including funding to enhance successive conservation. In Galapagos Island, several foundations currently help to fund this project. Nevertheless, the funding is not enough to meet all the necessary measures. For example, the Galapagos Conservation project, Charles Darwin Foundation, The Galapagos Conservatory etc cannot meet these challenges without aid from donor funds. This is because to educate the whole nation about the importance of conservation, and other necessary measures is a big issue that requires donor’s aid. Actually, you should propose on external exhibitions on the needs to conserve the biodiversity, another suggestion is experienced experts need to be produced, proper fishing items that cannot fish on small or immature fishes are supposed to be bought, some motor boats should be available   to control and survey fishing mechanism of both legitimate and illegitimate fishermen. Propose on preservative fringes and other necessary items bearing in mind that some items are expensive for the local people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The government should implement measures to curtail behaviors that can lead to eradication of endangered species. These measures should include controlling pouching, smuggling, pirating and illegal immigration. In this case, Patrolling water navy and vigilante groups should be brought up in order to mitigate fishing of sharks. The use of this system for monitoring fishing vessels would enhance trapping the vessels that carry out these highly destructive fishing practices and thus provide evidence to the port police authorities so that the illegal fishing activities may be stopped. This process can only succeed with the help of local anglers of the islands and our long efforts to promote sustainable fishing practices, to limit the use of destructive fishing techniques.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Boundaries need to be restricted and observed to avoid importation of foreign organisms. This should be a foundation to remove corrupt inhabitants off the islands. People should be educated through civic education that incorporates biological and social sciences to create awareness on conservation biology. Farming methods that protect the environment should be implemented e.g. restrict any use of harmful farming methods.   Institution of higher learning should be set up to offer degree courses on conservation biology. This is because local young Ecuadorian conservationists do not have the necessary qualifications to move forward in their careers. Galapagos scientists need to be empowered with doctors of philosophy to rise to the positions of future responsibility. Surprisingly, the Charles Darwin Foundation comprises foreign scientists such as American or European as the most learned barons who cannot dedicate their service fully. The government through its own funding or by donors fund should focus on establishing environmental exhibition and communication activities. This is a valid proposal to create awareness and to inspire stewardship on Island farming and cultural behaviors that can enhance conservation. Some of the undertakings that the government should do is protecting the national parks and resorts. Furthermore, conservationist and other well-wishers have supported by saving giant tortoise from extinction. They should focus on methods of interval counting of the endangered species and reduction of their predators.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The national Park Service and the Ecuadorian government are reforming a bit of clauses that safeguard wildlife. Restrictions are imposed against the residents of the islands in the form of pouching restrictions. This include, restrict fishing within certain miles of the shores and out of the swimming patterns of the endangered species in the islands. It is also illegal on the island to hunt any terrestrial animals and the offence is jail term and revocation of the citizenship on the island. These are among the tough measures that ministry of wild life in conjunction with the environmentalist are imposing to conserve the endangered species. You should pressurize on review of important sections in the country constitution that safeguard the wild life. Some nuisance pests need to be eradicated for example, rats, parasitic weeds and plants, since some fish such as sharks suffer from animal stress due to tourism visitors. These areas have been classified as non-go zones, which mean that the number of motor boats and visitors in the water can be regulated. However, many areas have still to be restricted. People should be sensitized on zonotic infections caused by some of these foreign organisms. Funding to help identification of breeding zones for sharks and the monitoring of population increase in coastal areas are important areas of research that can aid in conservation. Breeding and nestling parameters, which are essential for shark conservation, are not yet understood. In case of preserving sharks that attract a lot of tourism, conservation funds would assist in monitoring and identifying sharks movements and breeding patterns. Eradication of animals and plants, which pose a threat to the existing of the eco system, is a noble idea that is facilitated by the National Park service.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conservation biology in the Galapagos is important because the work done by the Galapagos National Park to protect the biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands is unique. What to protect and the methods to be used depend on scientific knowledge and government back up. This will include careful study, research and interpretation of existing data on wildlife. The funding requested will be required to help local residents to become a leader of their own future. Without the necessary research, awareness, funds and dedication provided by the Galapagos Conservation Trust, this valuable habitat and its unique wildlife will become a history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fact is extinction would be due to human intrusion. This adversely leads to loss of biodiversity. The consequences are loss of marine life and disappearance of native terrestrial animals and plants.   Many species of wildlife will be extinct, species that have been a pivotal point in the discovery of natural selection. The advancement of these studies that is so important to science will be lost. There are many species in Galapagos Islands that are not analyzed. The destruction of the sensitive ecosystem could destroy these species forever.   Apparently, tourism sector would be greatly affected this Island biodiversity becomes extinct. Tourism is growing at an enormous rate of 4% per year and is expected to continue at this rate. The need for support functions in the industry continues to provide significant job opportunities for the local residents. Indirectly, the national economy would be greatly affected hence currency fluctuation and instability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To avoid this disastrous situation, conservation biology should be addressed from all perspective. Reference: Sharon L. Spray, Karen Leah (2003) Revelation of species: Loss of Biodiversity Pg 34, Row man and Littlefield Publisher The islands biodiversity, retrieved on 31st August 2007, available at  Ã‚ The Galapagos Islands, retrieved on 31st     August 2007, available at  Ã‚  Ã‚ Galapagos biodiversity vision, retrieved on 31st   Ã‚  August 2007, available at Unique biodiversity of the islands, retrieved on 31st  Ã‚   August 2007, available at  Ã‚ Galapagos conservation, available at  Ã‚   Environmental solutions, available at www.environment [3] [1] Tick- and flea-borne rickettsial emerging zoonoses File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat View as HTML The rat flea, Xenop-. sylla cheopis, is the main vector of murine Not well characterized Molecular evidence of infection [2] zole, levamisole) of helminths coupled with improved man- effect on nematode. Four dilutions of each plant extract (0.5–2.0 mg/mL) available at [3]

Hearing Loss from Mobile Phone Use

Hearing Loss from Mobile Phone Use Discussion Mobile phones have become a part of modern life style. There has been rapid boom in the number of mobile phones in the recent decade. This rapid worldwide expansion of mobile telephones raises questions regarding possible effects of the emitted radiofrequencies on the health of the consumers. The electromagnetic waves can affect the human health ranging from increase the blood pressure, cause memory loss and induce migraines, hearing impairment to even cancer can also occur. Of all the anatomical structures, the ear is in the closest proximity to the mobile phones, hence most potential organ system to be damaged by the electromagnetic waves emitted from the mobile phones. Pure tone audiometry is a key hearing test for assessment of hearing threshold of the individual. It determines the degree of hearing loss and also type and configuration of hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry uses both air and bone conduction audiometry, the type of loss can be identified by the air-bone gap. In our study, while comparing the results of pure tone audiometry in controls (n=60) and total cases (n=60), it was found that in control group 51 individuals had normal hearing threshold, 08 had mild hearing loss and 01 had moderate hearing loss. Of the total cases, 39 had normal hearing threshold, 19 had mild hearing loss and 2 had moderate hearing loss. No individual in the cases or control group had severe or profound hearing loss. Chi square test with yates correction was applied for statistical analysis of the data, and difference was found to be significant (p value0.05). While comparing the results of distorted product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) in controls (n=60) and cases Group A (n=30), it was found that in cases group A, 19 individuals passed the test and 11 individuals failed the DPOAE test. Chi square test was applied for statistical analysis of the data, and results were not found to be significant (p value>0.05). On comparing the results of distorted product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) in controls (n=60) and cases Group B (n=30), it was found that in cases group B, 15 individuals passed the test and 15 individuals failed the DPOAE test. Chi square test was applied for statistical analysis of the data, and results were not found to be significant (p value>0.05). The European project EMFnEAR, was done to assess the harmful effects of short term electromagnetic waves emitted from UTMS mobile device over the outer hair cells. Functioning of outer hair cells was assessed by DPOAE. They concluded that short term exposure to EMFs of mobile phones does not cause measurable immediate effects on the human auditory system. Renzo R et al also conducted a similar study to assess the short term effects of mobile phone use on ear, assessed by transient evoked otoacoustic emissions and brainstem evoked audiometry response. The study parameters were similar to our study but they studied the short term effects of EMFs in contrast to our study where we tried to find the effects of long term exposure. They did not find any change in the auditory functions, before and after the short exposure to electromagnetic radiations. Ozturan et al assessed transient evoked OAE and distorted product OAE in adults exposed to 10 min telephone call using GSM mobile phones. The tests were done before and after the exposure. They concluded that otoacoustic emissions did not change after the electromagnetic waves exposure. Bamiou DE et al also reported that there was no change in the transient evoked otoacoustic emission, due to electromagnetic waves of mobile phones. S Bhagat et al, studied the effects of chronic exposure to EMF emitted from mobile phone on inner ear by using distorted product otoacoustic emissions. Individuals using mobile phones for more than 4 years were studied. It was concluded that long-term and frequent exposure to EMFs from mobile phone does not cause damage to outer hair cells of cochlea. P. Karthikeyan et al did a study on hundred students who were mobile phone users. They were divided into two groups of more than and less than two hours of mobile usage. DPAOE was done and compared to controls. Significant change in DPOAE was seen in cases, more so in group with more than two hours of cell phone usage. Alsanosi AA et al did a study to assess the immediate consequences of 60 minutes exposure to mobile phones on hearing function by determining changes in distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) and hearing threshold levels (HTLs). They concluded that sixty minutes of close exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by a mobile phone had an immediate effect on HTL assessed by pure-tone audiogram and inner ear (assessed by DPOAE) in young human subjects. While in our study, on comparing DPOAE, we did not find any significant difference between the total cases and controls. On comparing the each sub group of cases to controls, no statistically significant difference was noted. This is in concurrence with most of the studies done in India and abroad. Though, P. Karthikeyan and Alsanosi have shown different results from those observed in our study. Though a lot of research publications are available in favour of and against the results observed in our study, but in all these studies studied the effects of electromagnetic frequencies of mobile phones on functioning of outer hair cells, but no criteria was taken as standard for comparison as different duration (in years) of exposure, different hours per day of use, and acute effect v/s chronic effects. The major limitation of epidemiological studies addressing the health effects of mobile phone use is related to exposure assessment. Also, other factors were not taken in account like exposure to noise, which is known to cause damage to outer hair cells much before any change in pure tone audiometry is seen (Anjali Desai et al, 1999) (RJ Salvi ea at, 2000). So, with all these factors nothing can be said with much certainty. Further research is needed to establish the effect of EMF on outer hair cells. The present scientific evidences are insufficient to support the belief that there will be no ill effects on human health and the present safety standards are enough to protect users from ill effects, if any. This present situation of scientific uncertainty calls for the requirement of both precautionary measures and further research. Ill effects of mobile phone use on health might be of the field of interest for future research. We conclude from our study that: mobile telephones should be used for short periods only, only for essential purposes, and unnecessary long conversation over mobile phones should be avoided.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Personal Narrative - Christmas Memory Essay -- essays research papers

Christmas Memories Approaching Grandma's, our family anticipates the grand holiday about to be rekindled once again. With our family and friends about to be reunited with each other, each family member is trying not to notice how long the last kilometer is taking. The trees along the road seem to crawl by slower as Dad pushes his foot harder. Inch by inch, Second by second, we approach the long awaited destination. Finally when we arrive at Grandma's house our long journey is over. We each take a huge breath as we step out onto the crispy snow that snaps beneath our boots. The air is fresh and creates a shiver down my spine. I make my way to the frost coated back door, illuminated by the green and red Christmas lights. As I open the door and step into a house full of cheek pinches and hugs, an array of Christmas odur engulfs me, and makes my mouth water. As I yell "HELLO" I hear voices laughing, talking, and asking who's at the door? In the next second "Millions" of relatives are giving me there greetings and gladly inviting us into the house. As my family and I are quickly made comfortable, I look around..... Plates full of Christmas pastries, Christmas decorations, and Christmas music lightly penetrates the air as the family socializes with each other. The constant murmer of the voices, serves as a background for the music. My cousins are running making their laps around the living room while playing t...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mesoamerican Empires Essay -- Mayan, Olmec, Aztec

The three main Indian empires in Mesoamerica were the Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec. These intriguing cultures had three very different religions and origins, but there were some similarities. In all three cases, they built their cities mainly as religious centers, and had some similar forms of worship. All of their societies revolved around their separate religions. The Olmecs are the earliest known Mesoamerican civilization. Around 1200 B.C. the Olmecs originated as a primitive people living and farming on the shores of Mexico (Stanton 91). Soon, however, they began to build cities such as San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Monte Alban. These â€Å"cities† were religious centers where people gathered to worship, and were not populated (Stanton 91). The first of these centers, San Lorenzo, was built c. 1150 B.C., on a flat topped, man-made mountain. It was mysteriously abandoned 200 years later (Stanton 92-93). La Venta, built between 1000 and 600 B.C., sat on an island in a swamp (Stanton 93). Later, around 500 B.C., Monte Alban, which was used as a religious center even after the Olmecs faded, was built on an immense mountain (Stanton 93). The cities were made up of temples and plazas, and decorated by monumental stone heads, which weighed up to 50 tons (Stanton 93)! These heads probably represented their early kings and had distinct helmets (K ingfisher 32). It is incredible how the Olmec people transported the stone from the distant mountains to La Venta, near the shore, without the aid of work animals or carts. It appears that the Olmecs did this grueling work for their gods willingly, as there is no evidence of forced labor (Stanton 93). The Olmecs probably worshipped the jaguar, as it appears so often in their artwork. There are also many e... ... (Schweikart 5-6). The Aztecs’ greed for sacrificial hostages turned these Indian neighbors against them (Kingfisher 196-197). The Aztecs were defeated, partially because they had been weakened by smallpox, but also because the Spanish fought together as a single force, while Aztecs fought as individuals (Schweikart 6-7). These three civilizations were focused on their religions, causing some similarities. They all built cities as religious centers. Both the Mayas and the Aztecs worshipped their gods through human sacrifice. The Olmecs were so dedicated to their gods that they transported 50 ton boulders from the mountains to the shore. For the Mayas, even their games were related to their religion. The Aztec society was constantly at war for the sole purpose of making sacrifices to their many gods. Religion dominated the cultures of these Mesoamerican empires.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Plan On Smoking :: Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

Plan On Smoking   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The incredible idea behind taking a course such as Theories of Persuasion is that a student can discover the principles and theories behind everyday decision making and beliefs. What may seem like simple ideas, in reality, are very complex processes. Fishbein and Ajzen, two researchers being discussed in class, brought to light their theory known as the Theory of Planned Behavior. In it they describe the intricacies of building attitudes and making behavioral decisions. By providing a brief summary of the theory, a real life example that directly relates to the theory, and an analysis of the possible outcomes of the theory, it becomes clear that Fishbein and Ajzen contributed significantly to the world of persuasion research.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Theory of Planned Behaviors is far more complex than just making behavioral decisions. It involves a well defined relationship between the Expectancy Value Theory, Subjective Norms, and Self Efficacy. In order to properly establish this relationship it is necessary to supply some definitions of the previously mentioned terms. The Expectancy Value Theory plainly states that “for behaviors, our attitudes were a function of our beliefs that an outcome would occur, and an emotional evaluation of that outcome.'; There is a mathematical advantage that applies your rating of certain factors and weighs the positives versus the negatives. The second term that applies to the theory at hand is Subjective Norms. It a simple idea that consists of attitude determination in two separate parts. Firstly, the person considers what others think he or she should do and, secondly, whether or not the person wants to “conform to these social pressures';. Once again the t erm can be expressed in mathematical terms by weighing the importance between social acceptance and personal satisfaction. The last term needed to be defined is efficacy. The person making the decision needs to question whether the behavior is realistic or possible. It is these three terms, collectively, that constitutes the overall theory. The theory suggests that a person’s behavioral intentions guide their actual behaviors. These intentions are the result of the person’s close examination of their Attitudes (EVT), Subjective Norms, and Self Efficacy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A real life situation that is applicable to the theory is really open to a degree of creativity. To spice up the topic a bit, it is interesting to look at the theory in terms of pre-marital sex and peer pressure. The problem with pre-marital sex is that it a controversial issue among many parents, primarily those who follow close religious beliefs.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Play Critique Essay

The main idea of this play, ‘The Voice of Turtles’ was finding truth and comfort in love despite the difficulties. That sounds similar to the main idea of my 1st critique’s play, ‘Romeo & Juliet’ but compare to that, this play was lighter and softer. This play took its setting in the main character Sally Middleton’s (Kate Woodruff) apartment in New York City, in 1943, and it was displayed well through their comforts and passionate times in the apartment. There were three characters in the play: Sally Middleton, Olive Lashbrooke, Bill Page. Sally Middleton was played by an actress named Kate Woodruff, and she was the only character who was in the beginning and the end. First, she started as a girl who had a little knowledge about things in this world, but as she met Bill and spent more and more time with him, she began to realize certain things and eventually acknowledges her true love, Bill. Kate Woodruff’s acting style expressing obtuseness and vulnerability perfectly fitted with Sally. However, Bill Page, who was performed by Jim Felton, was not developed well enough to capture the audience. I understood that Bill was the character who was optimistic and learned a lot through his experiences during the WWII, but he was not sharp enough to express that â€Å"well-experienced soldier† type of a guy. I could feel that he became more lovable and passionate towards the end, but it seemed like he didn’t fully understand his character. But Olive Lashbrooke, who was played by Lisa Perez, was another well developed character. She was the only character who had a major switch in her attitude in the middle of the play because she had a suspicion about the relationship between her friend Sally and â€Å"ex-lover† Bill. However, Lisa Perez does it really well with the consistent in the character by clearly displaying arrogant and flirtatious behaviors, and that consistent also gave reliability to the audience. The plot of play expanded with the timeline of late afternoon Friday to Sunday night, and although it was a short period of time, the story was comprehensibly displayed. It started with a basic idea that Bill and Olive were seeing each other, but Olive broke up with him at Sally’s house when he comes over, so Olive left her house. Bill had no one to spend time with and Sally was available so two of them spent time together. Olive became  suspicious about the relationship between Sally and Bill, so she visits Sally tries to win Bill back but Bill denies. Bill fell in love with Sally, who was unsure about the relationship. But Bill convinced her to work together in their relationship and Sally agrees at the end. Considering that happy end, there were few situations where it displayed opposite signs that their relationship might not work. There was a scene where Olive tried to interrupt the relationship between Sally and Bill, which caused Sally to think their relationship might be bad for her friendship with Olive. Also Sally was tired of promiscuous life and did not want to involve deeply with Bill. These situations made the play more appealing, which all worked out well at the end. The setting of the play, which was Sally’s apartment, helped her character to be more understandable. As I mentioned above, in the beginning part of the play, Sally started as a girl who had a little knowledge about this world, and this apartment setting made it looked like she spends most of her time in her apartment. Also it was her apartment that created an environment to be comforter and more honest for Sally. There was an emotional change of Olive when she became suspicious about the relationship between Sally and Bill, and in the scene where she came back to win Bill back, Olive wore an awful fur clothes. In many plays and films, fur clothes are usually wore by greedy and deceptive women and that costume added more to Olive’s characteristic. It was an interesting thing to see because they were explaining her characteristic through costume rather than words. Just like Olive’s costume, all other features of the play worked together very well to support the play. For example, the light, which shined on Bill’s face when he looked out the window, was supposed to be the moonlight, and it was amazing. He could just act like he was looking out the window, but when that light shined on his face, it just made me to think that I was in the apartment. Also the warm light on the set tied the apartment together and created a cozy feeling. I felt performances of Sally and Olive were great but not Bill’s performance. Most of the time, Sally—performed by Kate Woodruff—looked comfortable and I  think she intended to do that because the setting was her apartment. Her actions, such as the way she sit on her couch, cooking in the kitchen, and even her walks all seemed like what a woman in 20’s would be at home. Also when she was listening to Sally and Bill saying what happened outside of the apartment,—which is this world—she expressed her curiosity and interests with her facial expressions such as her eyes getting bigger and blinking her eyes quickly. Those performances told us that she had a lot to experience and learn from this world. On the other hand, Olive—performed by Lisa Perez—experienced a lot outside of the apartment, and used the high-pitched voice that helped her cocky and funny character. However the performance of Bill—played by Jim Felton—was not enough to express the character and generate interests. He was trying hard but I just could not sympathize with his lines. But overall, it was a good play. The audiences’ seats were so close to the stage and I really enjoyed being close to the characters.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Advertising Statement Essay

Rosser Reeves was the one who invented the term â€Å"USP†. The Unique selling proposition is sometimes referred to as â€Å"product difference.† In rare cases, some products or services have a unique and impressive proposition/benefit. A unique selling proposition is the ultimate proposition because its one that no other competitor can claim. It has to be something that you could also sell from. The concept of a unique selling proposition, or USP, is based on a benefit statement that is both unique to the product and important to the user. The heart of a USP is a proposition, which is a promise that states a specific and unique benefit you will get from using the product. If the product has a special formula, design, or feature, particularly if protected by a patent or copyright, then you are assured that it is truly unique. This is why a USP is frequently marked by the use of an â€Å"only† statement, either outright or implied. There are various methods that c an be used to find a USP as it is demonstrated in advertising strategies and ideas. Strategy in Advertising In advertising, â€Å"strategy† refers to the overall marketing or selling approach. It is the thinking behind the concept/idea. (The thinking behind the thinking, if you like.) Decisions about selling premises are central to the overall advertising strategy. The strategy (or strategic thought) can come from a proposition/benefit of the product, how it used, the market background, the choice of target audience, or any combination thereof. Every strategy should have an element of distinction ( small or large ) from the competition’s strategies, as should the proceeding concept and campaign. All strategies should be written in the form of a strategy statement, also known as â€Å"creative brief†. However, there are several questions we should seek to answer to cover the area of strategic analysis. Competitor, best prospects, and what buying appeals have the greatest leverage. At the corporate level what takes place in the advertising department would be seen as tac tical whilst in the advertising department this would be seen as strategic. * Corporate strategies are concerned with the major functions of the company, and cover finance, human resource management, production, administration, and marketing. * Marketing strategies are concerned with ANSOFF’s matrix and the marketing mix. * Promotional strategies are concerned with the promotional mix options (advertising, sales promotions, PR, publicity, selling, sponsorship, exhibitions). Effective Advertising Advertising that is effective creates the message that best expresses the product-prospect relationship. In addition, the message has to be intrusive enough to battle through the clutter in the contemporary media marketplace. To reach the effectiveness in advertising, a creative strategy should be involved in the process. It has to sell the product effectively by promoting them through smart and well designed advertisement. Creative Brief When forming a strategy from which to create ideas, it needs to be written down in a black and white. This helps to focus and steer the formation of ideas from the onset. When people suggest that an idea is â€Å"off strategy,† they mean that it doesn’t relate back to the defined strategy, and will therefore be much harder to sell the idea to the client. By having a strategy statement at hand, you can keep referring back to it whilst generating ideas from that strategy. It is very hard, even if you are an experienced creative, to produce a great campaign idea (or even a single one shot) without a solid, tight strategy. In short, the better you are briefed, the easier your job will be. A poorly defined, vogue, â€Å"wooly† brief is no use to a creative person, nor is highly specific one that restricts the number of ideas. Below are the basic examples of the headings in a creative brief, * Client * Product/service * Product and market background (supposition) * Competition * Business/Advertising Objective (problem to solve) * Media * Target market/Group/Audience * Proposition/Promise/Benefit * Proposition Support Points * Tone of Voice * â€Å"Mandatories† (Inclusions/Exclusions) Media in Advertising The choice of media depends upon the type of product or service being advertised, the target market, and the client’s budget. Each campaign can be in one form of media, or multiple forms. Traditional advertising media includes print, TV, and radio. Non-traditional includes ambient and guerrilla concepts. In addition, there is direct media, and interactive media. In the UK, each type of media is defined by its relation to a hypothetical â€Å"line† that divides the two. Traditional media is â€Å"above the line,† whereas direct marketing and interactive advertising is â€Å"below the line.† Companies that produce work in all the forms are referred to as â€Å"through the line† agencies, or â€Å"full service.† Other divisions within advertising include sales promotion, and business-to-business. Whereas business-to-consumer advertising, once the skill is developed, the same creative process can easily be applied to these other forms of media an d advertising. Positioning All products and companies, as seen by the customer, occupy some kind of ‘position’ in the market whether they intend it or not. This might be, for example, high price-high value, low price-low value, high price-low value, good company-not-so-good company and so on, when compared with comparable competing products and competing organizations. Most modern organizations now attempt to actively influence this position in the market by matching product and corporate benefits with the needs of clearly identified segments. The managers have performed professionally, be integrated to match the identified needs of the target market. Positioning is how the marketer wants the consumer to view its product relative to the competition. Although product differentiation plays a role in creating a product position, product differences account for only part of a product’s position. A positioning strategy also includes the manner in which a product’s factors are combined, ho w they communicated, and who communicates them. The size (and value) of the advertising corporate and brand positioning is crucial to the well-being of any company and so should be left to the agency professional. Copywriting Copywriting is an essential part of the design communication mix, and those of us who do it for a living will tell you that crafting massages and telling stories is a rewarding mental process, even in the business context. You’ll find that being able to generate a response from your audience is a valuable and highly sought-after skill. Copy (or text, or words) used in design is a very particular type of creative writing that requires the inspiration of an artist and the control of a craftsman or craftswoman. In comparison to the rails on which the copywriter runs, the novelist or poet has no limitations. Poetry and storytelling are flights of the imagination, with no client or news editor to bear in mind. Whether the personality of the writer shines through directly or indirectly, this is the purest creative writing – it can take off in any direction, be as fictional as it wants to be, and go wherever it pleases. Writing copy, however, is all about sticking to brief, while paying homage to the creativity and style of the poet and storyteller. Journalists and copywriters are commercial writers, but the essence of the role is completely different. In most cases journalist have to create the story from the scratch, usually by following leads. They will have to research the facts to get to the heart of the matter, discover the different viewpoints and opinions, and bring this material together accurately and coherently. Articles are often written to a tightly defined structure, while features can allow more room for individual expression and the interweaving of the writer’s viewpoint. The message has to be factually correct, balanced, and fair, but the writer is allowed to take a stance, which could reflect that of the newspaper or, in the case of regular column, the writer’s opinion. Copywriting borrows from all other fields of writing in its quest for creative expression, but ther e is no room for your personality in the copy that you write; you are simply a scribe, a hired mouthpiece for your client, and it is the brand’s voice that must come through, loudly and clearly.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Spirit Bound Chapter Two

MY TRIALS WERE A BLUR. You'd think, seeing as they were the most important part of my education at St. Vladimir's, that I'd remember everything in perfect, crystalline detail. Yet my earlier thoughts were kind of realized. How could these measure up to what I'd already faced? How could these mock fights compare to a mob of Strigoi descending on our school? I'd had to stand against overwhelming odds, not knowing if those I loved were alive or dead. And how could I fear a so-called battle with one of the school's instructors after having fought Dimitri? He'd been lethal as a dhampir and worse as a Strigoi. Not that I meant to make light of the trials. They were serious. Novices failed them all the time, and I refused to be one of them. I was attacked on all sides, by guardians who'd been fighting and defending Moroi since before I was born. The arena wasn't flat, which complicated everything. They'd filled it with contraptions and obstacles, beams and steps that tested my balance–including a bridge that painfully reminded me of that last night I'd seen Dimitri. I'd pushed him after plunging a silver stake into his heart–a stake that had fallen out during his plummet to the river below. The arena's bridge was a bit different from the solid wooden one upon which Dimitri and I had fought in Siberia. This one was rickety, a badly constructed path of wooden planks with only rope rails for support. Every step made the entire bridge swing and shake, and holes in the boards showed me where former classmates had (unfortunately for them) discovered weak spots. The test they assigned me on the bridge was probably the worst of all. My goal was to get a â€Å"Moroi† away from a group of â€Å"Strigoi† that were in pursuit. My Moroi was being played by Daniel, a new guardian who had come with others to the school to replace those killed in the attack. I didn't know him very well, but for this exercise, he was playing completely docile and helpless–even a little afraid, just as any Moroi I was guarding might have been. He gave me a little resistance about stepping onto the bridge, and I used my calmest, most coaxing voice to finally get him to walk out ahead of me. Apparently they were testing people skills as well as combat skills. Not far behind us on the course, I knew the guardians acting as Strigoi were approaching. Daniel stepped out, and I shadowed him, still giving him reassurances while all my senses stayed on alert. The bridge swung wildly, telling me with a jolt that our pursuers had joined us. I glanced back and saw three â€Å"Strigoi† coming after us. The guardians playing them were doing a remarkable job–moving with as much dexterity and speed as true Strigoi would. They were going to overtake us if we didn't get a move on. â€Å"You're doing great,† I told Daniel. It was hard to keep the right tone in my voice. Screaming at Moroi might put them into shock. Too much gentleness would make them think it wasn't serious. â€Å"And I know you can move faster. We need to keep ahead of them–they're getting closer. I know you can do this. Come on.† I must have passed that persuasive part of the test because he did indeed pick up his speed–not quite enough to match that of our pursuers, but it was a start. The bridge shifted crazily again. Daniel yelped convincingly and froze, gripping the rope sides tightly. Ahead of him, I saw another guardian-as-Strigoi waiting on the opposite side of the bridge. I believed his name was Randall, another new instructor. I was sandwiched between him and the group at my back. But Randall stayed still, waiting on the first plank of the bridge so that he could shake it and make it harder for us. â€Å"Keep going,† I urged, my mind spinning. â€Å"You can do it.† â€Å"But there's a Strigoi there! We're trapped,† Daniel exclaimed. â€Å"Don't worry. I'll deal with him. Just move.† My voice was fierce this time, and Daniel crept forward, pushed on by my command. The next few moments required perfect timing on my part. I had to watch the â€Å"Strigoi† on both sides of us and keep Daniel in motion, all the while monitoring where we were on the bridge. When we were almost three quarters of the way across, I hissed, â€Å"Drop down on all fours right now! Hurry!† He obeyed, coming to a halt. I immediately knelt, still speaking in an undertone: â€Å"I'm about to shout at you. Ignore it.† In a louder voice, for the benefit of those coming after us, I exclaimed, â€Å"What are you doing? We can't stop!† Daniel didn't budge, and I again spoke softly. â€Å"Good. See where the ropes connect the base to the rails? Grab them. Grab them as tightly as you can, and do not let go, no matter what happens. Wrap them around your hands if you have to. Do it now!† He obeyed. The clock was ticking, and I didn't waste another moment. In one motion, while still crouched, I turned around and hacked at the ropes with a knife I'd been given along with my stake. The blade was sharp, thank God. The guardians running the trial weren't messing around. It didn't instantly slice the ropes, but I cut through them so quickly that the â€Å"Strigoi† on either side of us didn't have time to react. The ropes snapped just as I again reminded Daniel to hold on. The two halves of the bridge swung toward the sides of wooden scaffolding, carried by the weight of the people on them. Well, ours did at least. Daniel and I had been prepared. The three pursuers behind us hadn't been. Two fell. One just barely managed to catch hold of a plank, slipping a bit before securing his grip. The actual drop was six feet, but I'd been told to regard it as fifty–a distance that would kill me and Daniel if we fell. Against all odds, he was still clutching the rope. I was hanging on as well, and once the rope and wood were lying flat against the scaffolding's sides, I began scrambling up it like a ladder. It wasn't easy climbing over Daniel, but I did it, giving me one more chance to tell him to hang on. Randall, who'd been waiting ahead of us, hadn't fallen off. He'd had his feet on the bridge when I cut it, though, and had been surprised enough to lose his balance. Quick to recover, he was now shimmying up the ropes, trying to climb up to the solid surface above. He was much closer to it than me, but I just managed to grab his leg and stop him. I jerked him toward me. He maintained his grip on the bridge, and we struggled. I knew I probably couldn't pull him off, but I was able to keep getting closer. At last, I let go of the knife I'd been holding and managed to get the stake from my belt–something that tested my balance. Randall's ungainly position gave me a shot at his heart, and I t ook it. For the trials, we had blunt-ended stakes, ones that wouldn't pierce skin but which could be used with enough force to convince our opponents that we knew what we were doing. My alignment was perfect, and Randall, conceding it would have been a killing blow, relinquished his hold and dropped off the bridge. That left me the painful task of coaxing Daniel to climb up. It took a long time, but again, his behavior wasn't out of character with how a scared Moroi might behave. I was just grateful he hadn't decided a real Moroi would have lost his grip and fallen. After that challenge came many more, but I fought on, never slowing down or letting exhaustion affect me. I slipped into battle mode, my senses focused on basic instincts: fight, dodge, kill. And while staying tuned to those, I still had to be innovative and not fall into a lull. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to react to a surprise like the bridge. I managed it all, battling on with no other thoughts beyond accomplishing the tasks before me. I tried not to think of my instructors as people I knew. I treated them like Strigoi. I pulled no punches. When it finally ended, I almost didn't realize it. I was simply standing there in the middle of the field with no more attackers coming at me. I was alone. Slowly, I became more aware of the world's details. Crowds in the stands cheering. A few instructors nodding to each other as they joined in. The pounding of my own heart. It wasn't until a grinning Alberta tugged at my arm that I realized it was over. The test I'd waited for my entire life, finished in what felt like a blink of an eye. â€Å"Come on,† she said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and guiding me toward the exit. â€Å"You need to get some water and sit down.† Dazed, I let her lead me off the field, around which people were still cheering and crying my name. Behind us, I heard some people saying they had to take a break and fix the bridge. She led me back to the waiting area and gently pushed me onto a bench. Someone else sat beside me and handed me a bottle of water. I looked over and saw my mother. She had an expression on her face that I had never seen before: pure, radiant pride. â€Å"That was it?† I asked at last. She surprised me again with genuinely amused laughter. â€Å"That was it?† she repeated. â€Å"Rose, you were out there for almost an hour. You blew through that test with flying colors–probably one of the best trials this school's ever seen.† â€Å"Really? It just seemed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Easy wasn't quite the right word. â€Å"It was a haze, that's all.† My mom squeezed my hand. â€Å"You were amazing. I'm so, so proud of you.† The realization of it all truly, truly hit me then, and I felt a smile of my own spreading over my lips. â€Å"Now what happens?† I asked. â€Å"Now you become a guardian.† I'd been tattooed many times, but none of those events came close to the ceremony and fanfare that occurred while getting my promise mark. Before, I'd received molnija marks for kills I'd made in unexpected, tragic circumstances: fighting Strigoi in Spokane, the school attack and rescue–events that were cause for mourning, not celebration. After all those kills, we'd kind of lost count, and while guardian tattoo artists still tried to log every individual kill, they'd finally given me a star-shaped mark that was a fancy way of saying we'd lost count. Tattooing isn't a fast process, even if you're getting a small one, and my entire graduating class had to get them. The ceremony took place in what was usually the Academy's dining room, a room they were able to remarkably transform into something as grand and elaborate as we'd find at the Royal Court. Spectators–friends, family, guardians–packed the room as Alberta called our names one at a time and read our scores as we approached the tattoo artist. The scores were important. They would be made public and, along with our overall school grades, influence our assignments. Moroi could request certain grads for their guardians. Lissa had requested me, of course, but even the best scores in the world might not compensate for all the black behavioral marks on my record. There were no Moroi at this ceremony, though, aside from the handful who had been invited as guests by the new graduates. Everyone else gathered was a dhampir: either one of the established guardians or about-to-become-guardians like me. The guests sat in the back, and the senior guardians sat near the front. My classmates and I stood the whole time, maybe as some sort of last test of endurance. I didn't mind. I'd changed out of my torn and dirty clothes into simple slacks and a sweater, an outfit that seemed dressy while still retaining a solemn feel. It was a good call because the air in the room was thick with tension, all faces a mix of joy at our success but also anxiety about our new and deadly role in the world. I watched with shining eyes as my friends were called up, surprised and impressed at many of the scores. Eddie Castile, a close friend, got a particularly high score in one-on-one Moroi protection. I couldn't help a smile as I watched the tattooist give Eddie his mark. â€Å"I wonder how he got his Moroi over the bridge,† I murmured in an undertone. Eddie was pretty resourceful. Beside me, another friend of mine, Meredith, gave me a puzzled look. â€Å"What are you talking about?† Her voice was equally soft. â€Å"When we were chased onto the bridge with a Moroi. Mine was Daniel.† She still looked confused, and I elaborated. â€Å"And they put Strigoi on each side?† â€Å"I crossed the bridge,† she whispered, â€Å"but it was just me being chased. I took my Moroi through a maze.† A glare from a nearby classmate shut us up, and I hid my frown. Maybe I wasn't the only one who'd gone through the trial in a daze. Meredith had her facts screwed up. When my name was called, I heard a few gasps as Alberta read my scores. I had the highest in the class by far. I was kind of glad she didn't read my academic grades. They would have totally taken away some of the glory of the rest of my performance. I'd always done well in my combat classes, but math and history†¦ well, those were a bit lacking, particularly since I always seemed to be dropping in and out of school. My hair was pulled tightly into a bun, with every stray wisp held with hairpins so that the artist would have nothing to interfere with his work. I leaned forward to give him a good view and heard him grunt in surprise. With the back of my neck covered in marks, he'd have to be tricky. Usually a new guardian provided a blank canvas. This guy was good, though, and managed to delicately place the promise mark in the center of the nape of my neck after all. The promise mark looked like a long, stretched-out S, with curly ends. He fit it in between the molnija marks, letting it wrap around them like an embrace. The process hurt, but I kept my face blank, refusing to flinch. I was shown the final results in a mirror before he covered it up with a bandage so it would heal cleanly. After that, I rejoined my classmates and watched as the rest of them received their tattoos. It meant standing for another two hours, but I didn't mind. My brain was still reeling with everything that had happened today. I was a guardian. A real, honest-to-goodness guardian. And with that thought came questions. What would happen now? Would my scores be good enough to erase my record of bad behavior? Would I be Lissa's guardian? And what about Victor? What about Dimitri? I shifted uneasily as the full impact of the guardian ceremony hit me. This wasn't just about Dimitri and Victor. This was about me–about the rest of my life. School was over. I would no longer have teachers tracking my every move or correcting me when I made mistakes. All decisions would be on me when I was out protecting someone. Moroi and younger dhampirs would look to me as the authority. And I would no longer have the luxury of practicing combat one minute and lounging in my room the next. There were no clear-cut classes anymore. I would be on duty all the time. The thought was daunting, the pressure almost too great. I'd always equated graduation with freedom. Now I wasn't so sure. What new shape was my life going to take? Who would decide? And how could I reach Victor if I was assigned to guard anyone besides Lissa? Across the room, I met Lissa's eyes among the audience. They burned with a pride that matched my mother's, and she grinned when our gazes met. Get that look off your face, she chastised through the bond. You shouldn't look that anxious, not today. You need to celebrate. I knew she was right. I could handle what was to come. My worries, which were many, could wait one more day–particularly since the exuberant mood of my friends and family ensured that I would celebrate. Abe, with that influence he always seemed to wield, had secured a small banquet room and thrown a party for me that seemed more suited to a royal debutante, not some lowly, reckless dhampir. Before the event, I changed yet again. Prettier party clothes now seemed more appropriate than the formal molnija ceremony outfit. I put on a short-sleeved, emerald green wrap dress and hung my nazar around my neck, even though it didn't match. The nazar was a small pendant that looked like an eye, with different shades of blue circling it. In Turkey, where Abe came from, it was believed to offer protection. He'd given it to my mother years ago, and she'd in turn given it to me. By the time I'd put on makeup and brushed out my tangled hair into long, dark waves (because my tattoo bandages didn't go with the dress at all), I hardly looked like someone capable of fighting monsters or even throwing a punch. No–that wasn't quite true, I realized a moment later. Staring into the mirror, I was surprised to see a haunted look in my brown eyes. There was pain there, pain and loss that even the nicest dress and makeup couldn't hide. I ignored it and set off for the party, promptly running into Adrian as soon as I stepped outside my dorm. Without a word, he swept me into his arms and smothered me with a kiss. I was totally caught off guard. It figured. Undead creatures didn't surprise me, but one flippant royal Moroi could. And it was quite the kiss, one that I almost felt guilty about sinking into. I'd had concerns when first dating Adrian, but many of them had disappeared over time. After watching him flirt shamelessly and take nothing seriously for so long, I'd never expected to see such devotion from him in our relationship. I also hadn't expected to find my feelings for him growing–which seemed so contradictory considering I still loved Dimitri and was concocting impossible ways to save him. I laughed when Adrian set me down. Nearby, a few younger Moroi had stopped to watch us. Moroi dating dhampirs wasn't super uncommon at our age, but a notorious dhampir dating the Moroi queen's great-nephew? That was kind of out there–especially since it was widely known how much Queen Tatiana hated me. There had been few witnesses to my last meeting with her, when she'd screamed at me to stay away from Adrian, but word of that kind of thing always gets around. â€Å"Like the show?† I asked our voyeurs. Realizing they'd been busted, the Moroi kids hastily continued on their way. I turned back to Adrian and smiled. â€Å"What was that? It was kind of a big kiss to throw on me in public.† â€Å"That,† he said grandly, â€Å"was your reward for kicking so much ass in those trials.† He paused. â€Å"It was also because you look totally hot in that dress.† I gave him a wry look. â€Å"Reward, huh? Meredith's boyfriend got her diamond earrings.† He caught hold of my hand and gave an unconcerned shrug as we began to walk to the party. â€Å"You want diamonds? I'll give you diamonds. I'll shower you in them. Hell, I'll get you a gown made out of them. But it's going to be skimpy.† â€Å"I think I'll settle for the kiss after all,† I said, imagining Adrian dressing me like a swimsuit model. Or a pole dancer. The jewelry reference also suddenly brought on an unwanted memory. When Dimitri had held me captive in Siberia, lulling me into blissful complacency with his bites, he'd showered me with jewelry too. â€Å"I knew you were a badass,† continued Adrian. A warm summer breeze ruffled the brown hair he so painstakingly styled each day, and with his free hand, he absentmindedly tried to arrange it back into place. â€Å"But I didn't realize just how much until I saw you dropping guardians out there.† â€Å"Does that mean you're going to be nicer to me?† I teased. â€Å"I'm already nice to you,† he said loftily. â€Å"Do you know how badly I want a cigarette right now? But no. I manfully suffer through nicotine withdrawal–all for you. But I think seeing you out there will make me a little more careful around you. That crazy dad of yours is kind of gonna make me cautious too.† I groaned, recalling how Adrian and Abe had been sitting together. â€Å"God. Did you really have to hang out with him?† â€Å"Hey, he's awesome. A little unstable, but awesome. We got along great.† Adrian opened the door to the building we were seeking. â€Å"And he's a badass in his way too. I mean, any other guy who wore scarves like that? He'd be laughed out of this school. Not Abe. He'd beat someone almost as badly as you would. In fact†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Adrian's voice turned nervous. I gave him a surprised look. â€Å"In fact what?† â€Å"Well†¦ Abe said he liked me. But he also made it clear what he'd do to me if I ever hurt you or did anything bad.† Adrian grimaced. â€Å"In fact, he described what he'd do in very graphic detail. Then, just like that, he switched to some random, happy topic. I like the guy, but he's scary.† â€Å"He's out of line!† I came to a halt outside the party's room. Through the door, I heard the buzz of conversation. We were apparently among the last to arrive. I guessed that meant I'd be making a grand entrance fitting for the guest of honor. â€Å"He has no right to threaten my boyfriends. I'm eighteen. An adult. I don't need his help. I can threaten my boyfriends myself.† My indignation amused Adrian, and he gave me a lazy smile. â€Å"I agree with you. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to take his ‘advice' seriously. My face is too pretty to risk.† His face was pretty, but that didn't stop me from shaking my head in exasperation. I reached for the door's handle, but Adrian pulled me back. â€Å"Wait,† he said. He drew me into his arms again, our lips meeting in another hot kiss. My body pressed to his, and I found myself confused by my own feelings and the realization that I was reaching a point where I might want more than just kissing. â€Å"Okay,† said Adrian when we'd finally broken away. â€Å"Now we can go in.† He had that same light tone to his voice, but in his dark green eyes, I saw the kindling of passion. I wasn't the only one considering more than just kissing. So far, we'd avoided discussing sex, and he'd actually been very good about not pressuring me. I think he knew I just wasn't ready after Dimitri, but in moments like these, I could see just how difficult it was for Adrian to hold back. It softened something inside of me, and standing on my tiptoes, I gave him another kiss. â€Å"What was that?† he asked a few moments later. I grinned. â€Å"Your reward.† When we finally made it into the party, everyone in the room greeted me with cheers and proud smiles. A long time ago, I'd thrived on being the center of attention. That desire had faded a little, but now, I put on a confident face and accepted my loved ones' praise with swagger and happiness. I held up my hands triumphantly, earning more clapping and approval. My party was almost as much of a blur as my trials. You never really realize how many people care about you until they all turn out to support you. It made me feel humble and almost a little teary. I kept that to myself, though. I could hardly start crying at my own victory party. Everyone wanted to talk to me, and I was surprised and delighted each time some new person approached me. It wasn't often that I had all the people I loved best in one place, and, uneasily I realized this opportunity might never come again. â€Å"Well, you've finally got a license to kill. It's about time.† I turned and met the amused eyes of Christian Ozera, a onetime annoyance who'd become a good friend. So good, in fact, that in my joyous zeal, I reached out and hugged him–something he clearly didn't expect. I was surprising everyone today. â€Å"Whoa, whoa,† he said backing up, flushing. â€Å"It figures. You're the only girl who'd get all emotional about the thought of killing. I don't even want to think about what goes on when you and Ivashkov are alone.† â€Å"Hey, look who's talking. You're itching to get out there yourself.† Christian shrugged by way of agreement. It was a standard rule in our world: Guardians protected Moroi. Moroi didn't get involved in battles. Yet after recent Strigoi attacks, a lot of Moroi–though hardly a majority–had begun to argue that it was time for Moroi to step up and start helping the guardians. Fire users like Christian were particularly valuable since burning was one of the best ways to kill a Strigoi (along with staking and decapitation). The movement to teach Moroi to fight was currently–and purposely–stalled in the Moroi government, but that hadn't stopped some Moroi from practicing in secret. Christian was one of them. Glancing beside him, I blinked in astonishment. There was someone with him, someone I'd hardly noticed. Jill Mastrano hovered near him like a shadow. A Moroi freshman–well, soon to be a sophomore–Jill had come forward as someone who also wanted to fight. She had sort of become Christian's student. â€Å"Hey Jill,† I said, giving her a warm smile. â€Å"Thanks for coming.† Jill flushed. She was determined to learn to defend herself, but she grew flustered among others–particularly around â€Å"celebrities† like me. Rambling was her nervous reaction. â€Å"I had to,† she said, brushing her long, light brown hair out of her face. Like always, it was a tangle of curls. â€Å"I mean, it's so cool what you did. At the trials. Everyone was amazed. I heard one of the guardians saying that they'd never seen anything like you, so when Christian asked if I wanted to come, of course I had to. Oh!† Her light green eyes went wide. â€Å"I didn't even tell you congratulations. Sorry. Congratulations.† Beside her, Christian struggled to keep a straight face. I made no such attempts and laughingly gave her a hug too. I was in serious danger of turning warm and fuzzy. I'd probably get my tough guardian status revoked if I kept this up. â€Å"Thanks. Are you two ready to take on a Strigoi army yet?† â€Å"Soon,† said Christian. â€Å"But we might need your backup.† He knew as well as I did that Strigoi were way out of their league. His fire magic had helped me a lot, but on his own? That'd be a different story. He and Jill were teaching themselves to use magic offensively, and when I'd had time between classes, I'd taught them a few combat moves. Jill's face fell a little. â€Å"It's going to stop once Christian's gone.† I turned to him. It was no surprise he'd be leaving. We'd all be leaving. â€Å"What are you going to do with yourself?† I asked. He shrugged. â€Å"Go to Court with the rest of you. Aunt Tasha says we're going to have a ‘talk' about my future.† He grimaced. Whatever his plans were, it looked like they weren't the same as Tasha's. Most royal Moroi would head off to elite colleges. I wasn't sure what Christian had in mind. It was standard practice after graduation for new guardians to go to the Moroi Royal Court for orientation and to get their assignments. We were all due to leave in a couple of days. Following Christian's gaze, I saw his aunt across the room, and so help me, she was talking to Abe. Tasha Ozera was in her late twenties, with the same glossy black hair and ice blue eyes that Christian had. Her beautiful face was marred, however, by some terrible scarring on one side–the result of injuries inflicted by Christian's own parents. Dimitri had been turned into a Strigoi against his will, but the Ozeras had purposely chosen to turn for the sake of immortality. It had ironically cost them their lives when the guardians hunted them down. Tasha had raised Christian (when he wasn't at school) and was one of the main leaders in the movement supporting those Moroi who wanted to fight Strigoi. Scar or not, I admired her and still thought she was beautiful. From my wayward father's attitude, it was clear he did too. He poured her a glass of champagne and said something that made her laugh. She leaned forward, like she was telling him a secret, and he laughed in return. My jaw dropped. Even from this far away, it was obvious they were flirting. â€Å"Dear God,† I said with a shudder, hastily turning back to Christian and Jill. Christian seemed torn between smugness at my discomfort and his own unease at watching a woman he regarded as a mother get hit upon by a pirate mobster guy. A moment later, Christian's expression softened as he turned back to Jill and continued our conversation. â€Å"Hey, you don't need me,† he said. â€Å"You'll find others around here. You'll have your own superhero club before you know it.† I found myself smiling again, but my kindly feelings were suddenly shattered by a jolt of jealousy. It wasn't my own, though. It was Lissa's, coming through the bond. Startled, I glanced around and spotted her across the room, giving Christian the look of death as he spoke to Jill. It's worth mentioning that Christian and Lissa used to date. More than date. They'd been deeply in love, and honestly, they kind of still were. Unfortunately, recent events had badly strained their relationship, and Christian had broken up with her. He'd loved her but had lost his trust in her. Lissa had spun out of control when another spirit user named Avery Lazar had sought to control her. We'd eventually stopped Avery, and she was currently locked away in a mental institution, last I'd heard. Christian now knew the reasons for Lissa's horrible behavior, but the damage was done. Lissa had initially been depressed, but her sorrow had now turned to anger. She claimed she wanted nothing to do with him anymore, but the bond gave her away. She was always jealous of any girl he talked to–particularly Jill, whom he'd been spending a lot of time with lately. I knew for a fact there was nothing romantic going on there. Jill idolized him as some wise teacher, nothing more. If she had a crush on anyone, it was Adrian, who always treated her like a kid sister. We all kind of did, really. Christian followed my gaze, and his expression hardened. Realizing she had his attention, Lissa immediately turned away and began talking to the first guy she found, a good-looking dhampir from my class. She turned on the flirtatious charm that came so easily to spirit users, and soon, both of them were laughing and chatting in a way similar to Abe and Tasha. My party had turned into a round of speed dating. Christian turned back to me. â€Å"Well, looks like she's got plenty to keep her busy.† I rolled my eyes. Lissa wasn't the only one who was jealous. Just as she grew angry whenever he hung out with other girls, Christian became prickly when she spoke to other guys. It was infuriating. Rather than admit they still had feelings and just needed to patch things up, those two idiots just kept displaying more and more hostility toward each other. â€Å"Will you stop already and actually try to talk to her like a rational person someday?† I groaned. â€Å"Sure,† he said bitterly. â€Å"The day she starts acting like a rational person.† â€Å"Oh my God. You guys are going to make me rip my hair out.† â€Å"It'd be a waste of nice hair,† said Christian. â€Å"Besides, she's made her attitude perfectly clear.† I started to protest and tell him how stupid he was, but he had no intention of sticking around to hear a lecture I'd already given a dozen times. â€Å"Come on, Jill,† he said. â€Å"Rose needs to mingle more.† He quickly stepped away, and I had half a mind to go beat some sense into him when a new voice spoke. â€Å"When are you going to fix that?† Tasha was standing next to me, shaking her head at Christian's retreat. â€Å"Those two need to be back together.† â€Å"I know that. You know that. But they can't seem to get it through their heads.† â€Å"Well, you'd better get on it,† she said. â€Å"If Christian goes to college across the country, it'll be too late.† There was a dry–and exasperated–note in her voice when she mentioned Christian going to college. Lissa was going to Lehigh, a university near the Court, per an arrangement with Tatiana. Lissa would get to attend a bigger university than Moroi usually went to, in exchange for spending time at the Court and learning the royal trade. â€Å"I know,† I said in exasperation. â€Å"But why am I the one who has to fix it?† Tasha grinned. â€Å"Because you're the only one forceful enough to make them see reason.† I decided to let Tasha's insolence go, mostly because her talking to me meant that she wasn't talking to Abe. Glancing across the room, I suddenly stiffened. He was now talking to my mother. Snatches of their conversation came to me through the noise. â€Å"Janine,† he said winningly, â€Å"you haven't aged a day. You could be Rose's sister. Do you remember that night in Cappadocia?† My mother actually giggled. I had never heard her do that before. I decided I never wanted to again. â€Å"Of course. And I remember how eager you were to help me when my dress strap broke.† â€Å"Dear God,† I said. â€Å"He's unstoppable.† Tasha looked puzzled until she saw what I was talking about. â€Å"Abe? He's actually pretty charming.† I groaned. â€Å"Excuse me.† I headed toward my parents. I accepted that they'd once had a romance–one that led to my conception–but that didn't mean I wanted to watch them relive it. They were recounting some walk on the beach when I reached them. I promptly tugged Abe's arm away. He was standing way too close to her. â€Å"Hey, can I talk to you?† I asked. He looked surprised but shrugged. â€Å"Certainly.† He gave my mother a knowing smile. â€Å"We'll talk more later.† â€Å"Is no woman safe around here?† I demanded as I led him away. â€Å"What are you talking about?† We came to a stop by the punch bowl. â€Å"You're flirting with every woman in this room!† My chastising didn't faze him. â€Å"Well, there are so many lovely women here†¦. Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?† â€Å"No! I wanted to talk to you about threatening my boyfriend. You had no right to do that.† His dark eyebrows shot up. â€Å"What, that? That was nothing. Just a father looking out for his daughter.† â€Å"Most fathers don't threaten to disembowel their daughters' boyfriends.† â€Å"That's not true. And anyway, that's not what I actually said. It was much worse.† I sighed. He seemed to delight in my exasperation. â€Å"Think of it as a graduation gift. I'm proud of you. Everyone knew you'd be good, but no one knew you'd be that good.† He winked. â€Å"They certainly didn't expect you to destroy their property.† â€Å"What property?† â€Å"The bridge.† I frowned. â€Å"I had to. It was the most efficient way. God, that was a bitch of a challenge. What'd the other grads do? They didn't actually fight in the middle of that thing, did they?† Abe shook his head, loving every minute of his superior knowledge. â€Å"No one else was put in that situation.† â€Å"Of course they were. We all face the same tests.† â€Å"Not you. While planning the trials, the guardians decided you needed something†¦ extra. Something special. After all, you'd been out fighting in the real world.† â€Å"What?† The volume of my voice caught the attention of a few others. I lowered it, and Meredith's earlier words came back to me. â€Å"That's not fair!† He didn't seem concerned. â€Å"You're superior to the others. Making you do easy things wouldn't have been fair.† I'd faced a lot of ridiculous things in my life, but this was pretty out there. â€Å"So they had me do that crazy bridge stunt instead? And if they were surprised I cut it, then what the hell else did they expect me to do? How else was I supposed to survive that?† â€Å"Hmm.† He stroked his chin absentmindedly. â€Å"I honestly don't think they knew.† â€Å"Oh, for God's sake. This is unbelievable.† â€Å"Why are you so mad? You passed.† â€Å"Because they put me in a situation they didn't even know how to get out of.† I gave him a suspicious look. â€Å"And how do you even know about this? This is all guardian business.† An expression I didn't like at all came over his face. â€Å"Ah, well, I was with your mother last night and–â€Å" â€Å"Whoa, okay. Just stop,† I interrupted. â€Å"I do not want to hear what you and my mother were doing last night. I think that'd be worse than the bridge.† He grinned. â€Å"Both are in the past, so no need to worry now. Enjoy your success.† â€Å"I'll try. Just don't do me any more favors with Adrian, okay? I mean, I'm glad you came to support me, but that's more than enough.† Abe gave me a canny look, reminding me that underneath that swagger he was indeed a shrewd and dangerous man. â€Å"You were more than happy to have me do you a favor after your return from Russia.† I grimaced. He had a point, seeing as he had managed to get a message into a high-security prison. Even if it hadn't led to anything, he still got points. â€Å"Okay,† I admitted. â€Å"That was pretty amazing. And I'm grateful. I still don't know how you pulled that off.† Suddenly, like a dream you recall a day later, I remembered the thought I'd had just before my trials. I lowered my voice. â€Å"You didn't actually go there, did you?† He snorted. â€Å"Of course not. I wouldn't set foot in that place. I simply worked my network.† â€Å"Where is that place?† I asked, hoping I sounded bland. He wasn't fooled. â€Å"Why do you want to know?† â€Å"Because I'm curious! Convicted criminals always disappear without a trace. I'm a guardian now, and I don't even know anything about our own prison system. Is there just one prison? Are there lots?† Abe didn't answer right away. He was studying me carefully. In his business, he suspected everyone of ulterior motives. As his daughter, I was probably doubly suspect. It was in the genes. He must have underestimated my potential for insanity because he said at last, â€Å"There's more than one. Victor's in one of the worst. It's called Tarasov.† â€Å"Where is it?† â€Å"Right now?† He considered. â€Å"In Alaska, I think.† â€Å"What do you mean, ‘right now'?† â€Å"It moves throughout the year. Right now it's in Alaska. Later, it'll be in Argentina.† He gave me a sly smile, apparently wondering how astute I was. â€Å"Can you guess why?† â€Å"No, I–wait. Sunlight.† It made perfect sense. â€Å"Alaska's got almost nonstop daylight this time of year–but nonstop night in the winter.† I think he was prouder of my realization than of my trials. â€Å"Any prisoners trying to escape would have a hard time.† In full sun, no Moroi fugitive would get very far. â€Å"Not that anyone can escape through that level of security anyway.† I tried to ignore how foreboding that sounded. â€Å"Seems like they'd put it pretty far north in Alaska then,† I said, hoping to worm out the actual location indirectly. â€Å"You get more light that way.† He chuckled. â€Å"Even I can't tell you that. That's information the guardians keep close, buried in their headquarters.† I froze. Headquarters†¦ Abe, despite being usually observant, didn't notice my reaction. His eyes were watching something across the room. â€Å"Is that Renee Szelsky? My, my†¦ she's grown lovely over the years.† I grudgingly waved him away, largely because I wanted to chase this new plan in my mind–and because Renee wasn't anyone I knew very well, which made him hitting on her less appalling. â€Å"Well, don't let me stop you. Go lure more women into your web.† Abe didn't need much prodding. Alone, I let my brain spin, wondering if my developing scheme had any chance of success. His words had sparked a new plan in my mind. It wasn't much crazier than most of my others. Across the room, I met Lissa's jade eyes again. With Christian out of sight, her mood had improved. She was enjoying herself and was excited about the adventures ahead of us, now that we were free and out in the world. My mind flashed back to the anxieties I'd felt earlier in the day. We might be free now, but reality would catch up with us soon. The clock was ticking. Dimitri was waiting, watching. I wondered briefly if I'd still get his weekly letters, now that I'd be leaving the school. I smiled at her, feeling kind of bad that I'd be ruining her mood when I told her we might now have a very real chance of busting out Victor Dashkov.